Sunday, June 7, 2009

whatever Happens, Happens for Good

whatever happens, happens for good

The subject line of this blog is an age old saying and I am sure it is well respected an believed in all traditions across the world.All that it means is no matter what happens, it will culminate into something good. Something that you will later look back in your life and say I am glad it happened. Like if you did not get the college of your liking, you will in the end, like what you become and love whatever comes your way.

I, for one, disagree.
This goes out to all the professors of the above theory. Tell me why this is not some kind of a mental gymnastics played by the brain, to keep you happy. Everybody wants to be happy and as they say time heals all wounds, over time the brain just kinda tranquilates that part of itself which bothers you.

Try thinking the opposite for once. Like just for the sake of this argument, think everything that happens does not happen for good. You would be happier if this did not happen. This will ofcourse induce dissatisfaction and discomfort in your life, but to see the positive side of it, I would like to tell you that satisfaction never earned anybody anything in this world. All of the achievers, achieved what they achived, because they were not satisfied with what they have done till now.